Are you feeling stuck right now in your life -- as though there is a noose tightening around your neck and from which there is no escape?
The economy sucks, everything is getting extremely expensive, your retirement fund has evaporated, and your wage has been cut ... what can you possibly do to begin to turn things around?

Well ... and this may sound redundant ... by law of attraction, you get what you focus on.
So often a large part of why we are stuck is because we're focused on the past or present circumstances rather than on what we want..
And because we are locked into our past decisions and outcomes, the tendency is to believe they are an accurate forecast of our future.
In his book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles lays out the prescription by which any of us can can put the laws of the universe to work for ourselves and become rich.
And his prescription is the same as that of pretty much every self help teacher on the planet.
The trick is to take responsibility for leading yourself to where you want to go rather than where you've been or where you are.
You accomplish that by focusing on where you are going.
Wattles teaches that you place the full attention and focus of your mind on the vision you desire for yourself, on crafting and layering detail upon that vision, and by maintaining your full faith, belief and trust in that purpose.
By doing that, you begin to have thoughts and take actions that are inspired and which begin to attract (and move you closer towards) that vision for youself.
Once you are focused on where you're going, it enables you to make a decision to do something different to break the pattern that you've lived up to now.
And as you build this new discipline of thought, you get better at paying little attention to the past or to the present circumstances ... which frees up even more of your thought energy to be put towards where you are going instead.
Let where you are going serve as your guide to the decisions you make. And always make decisions that will move you closer to your goals.
Your results will immediately begin to improve.
So, at the risk of repeating myself, if you are stuck, odds are it's because you are primarily looking at what was or what is.
As Wallace Wattles points out in his book, until you look at where you intend to go, nothing can change.
Drop the drama of your past. Release it and move forward.
One step at a time, focus clearly on where you are going and what step you can take today -- right now -- to move closer to that place.
Then repeat the process. Over and over day by day. By doing that not only will you no longer feel so stuck in your life, you'll also be well on your way to your better future by leveraging the power of law of attraction.
1 comment:
This article makes a valid point. To use this law you need to cultivate gratitude in every thing. By giving thanks you set your emotion into a positive level that is need to use the law of attraction effectively.
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