By focusing our thoughts on what we want, we put ourselves into vibrational alignment and emit a frequency of thought energy to the Universe which attracts a match.
This is all very straight forward stuff.
So ... why is it then, that most people fail when they attempt to put this to practice? If it's really this simple, why do so few succeed?
While the principles of deliberate creation using law of attraction may be simple, they are clearly not easy. That's because to hold our attention on what we desire requires tremendous discipline of thought.
I've been spending a great deal of time pondering this question lately while completing my new Inspired Science of Getting Rich Program, which is based on the study of Wallace Wattles' book The Science of Getting Rich.
And I've come to the conclusion that the answer is simply this: it's hard work to stay focused on what we want regardless of present or past appearances.
as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought."
-- Wallace Wattles
Wattles nailed it in his book. We live in a world where we've been conditioned to react to what's before us. With very few exceptions, we have forgotten how to choose our thoughts deliberately.
Focusing on what you want for more than a few seconds at a time is very hard work which requires strong mental focus. It requires a strong will to hold your attention on the prosperity you are looking to attract while the value of the stocks in your retirement account are plummeting, or while the price of gas is going through the roof, or while another unpaid bill sits in your mail box, or while your bank account sits empty.
And yet, if we are to be successful at using law of attraction, we must discipline our minds to do exactly that. We must learn to discipline our minds in order to stay fixed upon where we're going rather than where we are (or where we've been).
This is the pre-requisite to mastery of use of the law and it requires persistence and practice. Lots of persistence. And lots of practice.
After all, for most of us, there are decades upon decades of conditioning to be undone.
And it's the single biggest reason most people fail at this. They may have the self discipline to focus on what they want for a day, or maybe two, but rarely more than that.
It takes 30 days to build a habit -- in that time we're literally able to rewire the neural pathways in our brains so that a pattern of thinking becomes second nature.
If you want to begin to master the art of law of attraction, the place to start is to build that habit of thinking that sees you place your focus and attention only on where you intend to go. Resolve to do so every day for 30 days. Persist through the periods of doubt or fear that inevitably arise. Hold your thought on where you want to go, no matter how difficult. Focus only on what you want.
After 30 days, see what happens.
For some it is hard work to stay focused and for others this seems to be quite easy. Perhaps we should try to find those who have the ease of creating their visions and learn from them. I think the important thing is to learn how to create good feelings no matter what is going on in your life. This way you enjoy the now and pave the way for the future you desire. Like attracts like. Good feelings bring on more of the same.
@Maia: Well said Maia. Thanks for the comment
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